Ah, if you could only see how little Sofie lives in the shelter, you wouldn’t wait a moment… She is one of these wonderful, unnoticeable dogs who don’t know how to be mean, made of pure kindness, and thrown into a world where there is no kindness. Forgotten. Even the camera does not like her and fails to capture the beauty and warmth she radiates. And she is always happy and hopeful – even when the dogs corner her, even when they don’t let her come to get her cookie, her tail still wags… And then sadness hits you from that joy of hers, from that big and a sincere smile created of nothing, just because she is like that. And you are overcome with admiration for the indestructibility of the dreams from which her tender soul is woven, and you are struck by the pain of not being able to give her the life she deserves.
Sofie was born in a shelter, her mother was pregnant when arrived at our place. It was in April 2021. By some miracle, some divine providence, the spark of hope in Sofie still hasn’t gone out. She has one friend, Žućo, behind whose back she often hides and who watches over her quietly, using a language known only to dogs. Will someone want to make that pure joy their own? Because not even Žućo, no matter how hard he tries, can protect little Sofie from the harshness of life in the asylum? We hope that you will notice her, that Sofie will open your heart…. If that happens, please write to us in your inbox.
Please share Sofie’s story and help us find the right match for her.